Meeting: Governing Board

Meeting Time: July 11, 2024 at 9:00am EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10) General Public Comment

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    Robert Bluestone 4 months ago

    For many, many years the South Florida Water Management District provided a comprehensive proprietary “Spaghetti Model” that tracked potential hurricane activity.
    This was found on the South Florida Water Management District Website under “Hurricane Model Plots”, under the subheading the same, “Hurricane Model Plots”.
    This information is NO LONGER available on the subject location on the webpage.
    Regardless of the concern or reason, any information created at the taxpayer expense must be made available upon request or as a matter of course.
    I am formally requesting that the subject information be restored to the website and again be made available to the public just as it has been for many, many years.
    I am hopeful this information can be restored without the requirement of action via regulatory or legal means.
    Thank you